“Inside an ADHD mind”…

… because that’s simply the essence of what this blog is about.

Hello there,

I have been a teacher and teacher trainer for quite a few years now and I thought I knew what ADHD is … Or neurodiversity in general. But wow was I wrong!

I recently got diagnosed with ADHD – Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder as they call it – a revelation that came later in life, as it does for so many of us.

This is such an interesting time for me as I see the effects of ADHD in every area of my own life and also in the life of my students and trainees.
A time full of thoughts and emotions and encouragment to share it with those who might find solace in my words.

While I may not be a psychiatrist, I have lived every day of my life with undiagnosed ADHD, very well acquainted with its twists and turns but also with it’s wonderful sides which often are not talked about a lot. Witnessing countless children pass through my classrooms, each struggling under the weight of misunderstanding and mistreatment for a condition they never asked for, only strengthens my resolve to provide a look into an ADHD mind and how our brain may work.

So whenever you read something on here, imagine that this is your ADHD child / student speaking to you. or maybe your ADHD adult that used to be that child and now has to live with the consequences.

And yes, I know you deserve a perfect blog post to read but you will find spelling mistakes, grammar mistakes, form mistakes, maybe jumps in thoughts. This is me.

So here is my invitation to you – a glimpse into my mind, my perspective, my journey, and my truth. Welcome to my world!

adhd alternativeeducation anxiety autism awareness behaviour books classroom-management classroom managament Communication Connection coping strategies depression diagnosis education empathy exercise friendship health learning disabilities learning styles life masking mental-health misconceptions music neurodivergent neurodiversity nutrition parenting personal growth relationships resilience school self-awareness spectrum sympathy teachers teaching thoughts university validation vulnerability well-being writing

adhd alternativeeducation anxiety autism awareness behaviour books classroom-management classroom managament Communication Connection coping strategies depression diagnosis education empathy exercise friendship health learning disabilities learning styles life masking mental-health misconceptions music neurodivergent neurodiversity nutrition parenting personal growth relationships resilience school self-awareness spectrum sympathy teachers teaching thoughts university validation vulnerability well-being writing

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